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Who Are Missouri's Older Adults
Definition for Missouri's Older Adults
At the age of 62 one can retire with social security benefits within the U.S. and is considered to be the age of a senior citizen by many organizations. However, the federal government has determined one who is 65 years of age is a senior citizen.
Who are Missouri's Older Adults?
The number of Missourians age 65 and older is projected to grow by some 450,000 over the next 15 years, bringing the total number of seniors to an estimated 1,255,000. The proportion of seniors in Missouri’s population was 13.5 percent in 2000 and 13.6 percent in 2008. By 2015 the proportion of Missouri’s population age 65 or older is projected to increase to 15.1 percent; by 2025, to 19.1 percent. Those proportions will be higher than the proportion of seniors in the nation overall. Missouri’s total population is 5,911,605. Between 2000 and 2008, the state sustained a slow but steady 5.4 percent overall growth. The state’s 65 and older population also grew relatively slowly during this period, from 755,837 in 2000 to 805,235 in 2008, an increase of about 6.5 percent.
Missouri includes counties that are urban, suburban or rural. That character greatly affects each county’s economy, culture and senior population. For instance, seniors in Missouri’s most rural counties, particularly those in northern Missouri, tend to be older and more reliant on retirement income than seniors in more populated areas. Seniors in Missouri’s metropolitan counties are more likely to have convenient access to health care, access to transportation, and participate in the workforce.
An important characteristic of the senior population is that women outnumber men. In 2008, nearly 70 percent of Missourians age 85 or older were women. That gender difference is projected to moderate somewhat in the next 15 years. By 2015, women are projected to be about 68 percent of the 85 and older population; by 2025, 65 percent.
The first baby boomers will turn 65 in 2011, beginning a trend of relative growth in the senior population that will continue until 2030. As the baby boomers age, their values and life experiences will influence Missourians’ perceptions of the resources, needs, capacities and strengths of seniors.

The Missouri Senior Report,”Who Are Missouri’s Older Adults?”
This report provides a snapshot of the status of Missouri seniors. It addresses their economic well-being, household and community engagement, health care status and access to medical treatment. The report also includes annual population projections and evaluations of seniors’ quality of life and wellness. It includes articles on Missouri’s senior tax levies and health disparities among seniors. Missouri Senior Report is a resource to inform state and local policy makers, service providers and families, as they plan for the impact of an increasingly older Missouri.
This report provides a snapshot of the status of Missouri seniors. It addresses their economic well-being, household and community engagement, health care status and access to medical treatment. The report also includes annual population projections and evaluations of seniors’ quality of life and wellness. It includes articles on Missouri’s senior tax levies and health disparities among seniors. Missouri Senior Report is a resource to inform state and local policy makers, service providers and families, as they plan for the impact of an increasingly older Missouri.