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Skilled Nursing Facility
A skilled nursing facility is a location dedicated to the care of individuals in a residential facility, usually there on a long-term basis. These facilities specialize in the 24-hour care and observation of individuals whose needs are usually critical enough where they need constant watching, but not serious enough where hospitalization is required.
There are many tools to help you choose the best facility for you or a love one. The federal government has put together a checklist for you to use when choosing a facility. Nursing Home Checklist Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home
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State Survey Agency
These are agencies of State governments, typically the agency that licenses health facilities within the State Health Departments. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has entered into agreements with these agencies, to conduct inspections of providers and suppliers in order to determine if they comply with Medicare requirements. In Missouri, the state survey agency is located in the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. See the link below for information about how nursing homes are inspected. The department inspects each home at least annually to ensure residents are receiving the proper care. Inspectors also investigate complaints at nursing homes as often as necessary to ensure residents’ health and safety How Are Nursing Homes Inspected.
You can find out how any licensed Missouri long-term care facility did on its last inspection by visiting the Show Me Long Term Care Website. Show Me Long Term Care.

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Alzheimer's Special Care Unit
Alzheimer’s disease affects all classes of people across all regions of the country. There are 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s – 110,000 here in Missouri. It is the 6th leading cause of death and the only one among the top ten without a way to cure, prevent or slow the progression of the disease.
In response to a growing population of individuals who need speciality care, Alzheimer’s special care units have been created. Special Care Units are in Long-Term Care Facilities and provide environments, programs, and staff specifically designed for the care needs of residents with Alzheimer’s Disease.