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Resources for Caregivers
The landscape of aging services is changing. We want you to join our mission to expand the world of possibilities for aging.
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Facts on Family Caregiving
According to a recent study by the American Association of Retired People (AARP) and the National Council on Aging (NCA):
Someone caring for a parent has been doing so for an average of 20 hours a week for four years.
One in three adult caregivers is also raising a child under the age of 18.
One in three adult caregivers is helping their family member get dressed or go to the bathroom.
Nearly two-thirds of adult caregivers take time off during the workday, while 17 percent take a formal leave of absence and 10 percent take early retirement.
About 70 percent of adult caregivers get help from family members, friends or neighbors.
About 40 percent rely on help from paid caregivers.
Someone caring for a spouse spends more than 30 hours a week directly caring for their loved one and is less likely to get help from relatives or friends.

Caring for a loved one can be rewarding and stressful. Use the links below to find resources to help you take care of yourself as well as your loved one.
Caregiver Action Network
The Caregiver Action Network serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers ranging from the parents of children with special needs, to the families and friends of wounded soldiers; from a young couple dealing with a diagnosis of MS, to adult children caring for parents with Alzheimer’s disease
AARP Caregiving Resource Center
Find tools, work sheets and tips on how to plan, prepare and succeed as a caregiver.
Family Caregiver Alliance
Founded in 1977, Family Caregiver Alliance was the first community-based nonprofit organization in the country to address the needs of families and friends providing long-term care at home. Long recognized as a pioneer in health services, FCA now offers programs at national, state and local levels to support and sustain caregivers.
Information & Referral Websites/ Resources for Caregivers
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Statewide Resource Information
Missouri Department of Health And Senior Services, Division of Senior and Disability Services
- Phone: 573-751-6400
- Area Agencies on Aging
- Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)
- Home / Community Based Services
- Medicare / Medicaid
- Missourians Stopping Adult Financial Exploitation (MOSAFE)
- Nursing Homes and Other Care
- Ombudsman Program
- Senior Employment
- Senior Services
- Show Me Falls Free Missouri
- Silver Haired Legislature
- Publications & Newsletters
- Rules & Regulations

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Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging - Missouri Aging Information Network
Phone 417.862.0762 or 800.497.0822
Whether you are an older adult or a family caregiver concerned about the well-being of an older adult, Missouri’s ten Area Agencies on Aging stand ready to help you. Missouri’s AAAs have over 30 years experience administering and coordinating services for older adults. We can help you assess the abilities and needs of the older adult. We will work with you to identify resources and services that can address those needs.Missouri’s Area Agencies on Aging, either directly through their own staff or through contracts with other agencies, provide the following services: Information and Assistance, Public Education and Outreach, Transportation, Case Management and Care Coordination including in-home assessments, In-home Homemaker/chore, In-home Personal Care, Respite Care, Adult Day
The purpose of the site is to provide information regarding housing and care options for the elderly. This site will help in making decisions regarding the placement of loved ones in facilities for older adults and home care. This site will also inform you about financial options, legal services and resources available for seniors in the state of Missouri. This site contains databases filled with information that will allow you to search for information concerning nursing homes.
On this state page you will find resources, senior housing, and senior lifestyle opportunities. Such items address Seniors’ needs from Active Communities to Assisted Living along with Insurance, Medical and Financial Planning information. We attempt to keep the state unique information current. To accomplish this we encourage individuals to become a state “guru”.
United Way 211 Helpline
A toll-free phone number connecting people with available health and human services and volunteer opportunities. By just dialing 2-1-1, one call will help you to find or give help. They are staffed with trained, caring professionals around the clock. It’s free, fast and confidential.
St. Louis Area Resource Information:
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St. Louis Times Resource Guide
The St. Louis Times has been publishing, entertaining, and informing older adults since 1994. Our signature publication, the St. Louis Times Senior Resource Guide, is published in both online and hard copy editions. Both editions include the area’s largest database of available resources and information for older adults. The full-color hard copy edition, published annually each August, is used extensively by professionals and lay people alike. Both editions are commonly referred to as our area’s “Industry Bible” when it comes to providing resources for our aging population.

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Older Adults Resource Guide
The only truly comprehensive publication targeted to seniors, their caregivers and professionals in the field of elder care. The Guide is “one stop shopping” for all those needing services and information.
The primary source used by professionals (social workers, discharge planners, etc.) for referrals. The Guide is used on a daily basis, and is kept right next to the phone for handy reference. We work closely with the local Area Agency on Aging to provide all pertinent, up-to-date information in the area.
Much more than just a comprehensive directory of services. It provides seniors and caregivers with the necessary information needed to make informed decisions. Information such as checklists, charts, questions to ask, definitions and helpful hints are provided to assist those in need. No other publication contains such in-depth information.
New Life Styles -The Source for Senior Living
New LifeStyles will be “The Source for Seniors”, providing comprehensive, quality information on senior residences and care options. This information will be available, free to all that need it. We will lead the market by maximizing quality and advertising exposure for our partners .
In St. Louis offers you a variety of links and advertisements for Seniors: Health & Information, Retirement Centers, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Day Care and Senior Resources & Links. Non-profit organizations and pet-related links are listed for free. We offer special rates for advertising to help showcase your business .