Join Us This May at the Lake of the Ozarks

Sponsor the LeadingAge Missouri Conference


Please refer to this PDF when filling out the sponsorship form for key details. Prefer to pay via check? Please mail a check with the completed PDF form.

Sponsorship Levels

Registration Sponsor – Opportunity for signage at Registration Desk, half-page ad in the onsite program, recognition in the LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

General Sponsor – Opportunity to sponsor the overall conference. This sponsorship includes your booth (must be a member), logo displayed throughout the conference and in the on-site program, recognition in Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Reception Sponsor – Opening remarks and introductions at one of two receptions, (Wednesday, May 28th or Thursday, May 29th) full-page ad in conference brochure, listing on conference app, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference, and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Conference App – Opportunity to have content on your own section of the conference app, driving people to your booth, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference and recognition in the LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter Event.

Program Sponsor – Full-page ad in the conference on-site brochure, listing on conference app, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Luncheon Sponsor – Will split Opening remarks and introductions at one of two luncheons (exhibit hall lunch or awards lunch), full-page ad in the conference brochure, listing on the conference App, signage at the conference, verbal recognition throughout the conference, and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Member Breakfast – Opening remarks and introductions at breakfast, full-page ad in conference brochure, listing on conference app, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference, and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Keynote Speaker Sponsor – Opening remarks and introductions, full-page ad in conference brochure, listing on conference app, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference, and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Movie Sponsor – Movie Cycling Without Age will be shown on Friday, May 30th, at the Cordoba Theater at the Lodge. This includes a half-page ad in conference on-site brochure, a listing on conference app, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference, and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Break – Half-page ad in conference on-site brochure, listing on conference app, signage at conference, verbal recognition throughout conference, and recognition in LeadingAge Missouri Messenger Newsletter.

Board Luncheon – Host the Board of Directors Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, May 28th. The sponsor’s team (limit of three members) will be invited to attend the luncheon.

Sponsorship Form

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