LeadingAge Missouri

Bill’s Perspective: State and federal advocacy days approaching

LA MO’s mission is to “Be the trusted voice for aging in Missouri” and “advance member missions”.  We work to achieve this daily by monitoring legislation, building policy relationships, and advocating for public policies that benefit our members.  And our planned advocacy is always supported by dedicated members!

As March dawns, I’m hopeful members will participate in planned grassroots advocacy efforts that will advance your missions for older Missourians dependent on Medicaid.   There are two upcoming in-person opportunities:

LA MO Public Policy Advocacy Day at the Capitol, March 12 in Jefferson City

All members are encouraged to join others (and some residents too!) for a collegial day of education, advocacy, and fellowship in the Missouri State Capitol.  LA MO’s “lobbyists-for-a-day” will educate legislators about aging services, about the importance of regular increases to Medicaid provider reimbursement, and about threats to the Fed/State Medicaid partnership.  While we will meet with both old and new legislators, educating the “freshmen” is important for both current and future policy decisions.  

We plan to thank our Missouri elected representatives for their recent Medicaid support and improvements – that benefit SNFs and HCBS alike – but also share our concern about Medicaid financing proposals being considered by the U.S. Congress.  Further,  LA MO members will advocate for expanded practice rights for Missouri nurse practitioners so they can deliver more primary and geriatric care to older adults.  Finally, we will champion legislation that addresses the unfortunate situation of incapacitated long-term care residents who don’t have advance directives and for whom a critical medical decision is needed.

Education on these current policy issues – plus coaching on how to conduct meaningful legislator meetings – will be shared in a morning session, followed by a BBQ lunch with  Missouri’s Senior Citizen Advocate, new Lt. Governor David Wasinger.  Then, participants will head to the Capitol in groups to “lobby” for the LA MO policy agenda.  Advocacy Day will conclude with a fellowship reception where our “lobbyists” can share “Capitol war stories” (how they made a difference!!!).  All LA MO members are invited to support the 2025 Advocacy Day!  Register here so we have a good headcount for food, beverages, and advocacy preparation materials.  

LeadingAge Lobby Day, April 9, in Washington DC

LeadingAge’s Lobby Day wraps its 3-day Leadership Summit, April 7-9.  The Leadership Summit convenes aging services thought leaders for mission-critical conversations – among attendees and with policymakers.  On Day 3, I will lead LA MO members to Capitol Hill to advance LeadingAge’s policy agenda with Missouri’s Congressional delegation.  Participants will be scheduled for visits with their Senators and Congresspersons.  It’s always an exciting day!

Foremost among advocacy issues will be Medicaid financing, including multiple proposals that will dramatically shift the cost of Medicaid to the States.  One of those proposals (curtailing federally matched provider taxes) would require Missouri to fill a $4 billion budget hole to continue MO HealthNet benefits and eligibility.  In addition, LeadingAge members will lobby to fund affordable housing, to end the nursing home staffing mandate, to protect tax-free bond financing used by non-profit providers, and to advance other crucial senior care initiatives.  The importance of engaging with policymakers – federal and state – cannot be overemphasized.  LeadingAge Chair Roberto Muniz makes this clear in this message to members.  

While member participation in both upcoming Missouri and Federal “lobby days” is important, not all members are able to devote time away from their communities or incur the expense.  But all members can participate and help our field by responding to Action Alerts (Federal and/or State).  Right now, LeadingAge has issued Action Alerts on the critical issues before Congress.  Do your part and click here to register support for these grassroots initiatives.  You will learn about the issues from the prepared messaging AND you will help LeadingAge continue as the “trusted voice for aging”.  In the words of NIKE, “just do it”!

Yours in service,


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