Hello LeadingAge Missouri Members!
It’s December – bringing lots of Holiday hustle and bustle as 2024 winds down! But December is more beginning than ending at LA MO. December is the runway for the next Session of the Missouri General Assembly. With Elections concluded, a new Missouri Governor and Legislature are preparing to govern. Policy ideas are transforming into policy initiatives.
December 1 was Day 1 for pre-filing legislation. Soon we’ll have our first peak at legislator priorities. New legislators bring new priorities and bill passage prospects are boosted by filing early. But an old adage remains – “one year to educate; a second to legislate.” New ideas require marination. And for perennially introduced ideas (bills that may never gain traction), the timing of filing matters less. Your Advocacy Committee discussed all of this recently in preparation to support LA MO’s policy agenda.
In 2025, LA MO will deliver its traditional strong support for higher Medicaid reimbursement rates – for both SNFs and HCBS. And we’ll continue to be a trusted voice in the choir for APRN practice right expansion. We invite you to join colleagues March 12 to advance these – and other policies – at our annual Public Policy Advocacy Day at the Capitol. Come enjoy a great day of education, advocacy, and fellowship!
But what should our “other policies” be? We’ll appreciate your suggestions for new or changed Missouri policies that can help you better serve older Missourians! The Advocacy Committee is contemplating, but please join them! We need member ideas. Email them to me. For your consideration, it may help you to know the new Governor (and several legislators) are especially interested in developing Missouri’s workforce. How fortunate! Please share your best suggestions on how to build a better aging services workforce in Missouri and we’ll go to work on them.
While all good policy ideas can advance, those which cost the State little, or no money, will have better prospects. New State spending initiatives will be closely scrutinized because state revenues are currently lagging (4% YOY) and federal COVID dollars are drying up. Add to this revenue reductions from a tax cut effective January 1, 2025, and significant “cost to continue” budget requests from State departments, and you can easily understand why the FY 2026 budget process is going to be tough. And that’s before the new Governor introduces his priorities! Securing increased Medicaid spending and advancing new spending initiatives is a formidable challenge this year.
On a more seasonal note, two additional items are commanding my perspective as December gets underway – both highlighted in articles below. First, successful strategic planning for a membership association depends on thoughtful member input. LA MO’s planning consultant shared with me that few members have responded to the survey designed to capture your perspectives. Please take a moment (really, just a few minutes!) to share them and aid your association’s strategic planning. Survey access here.
Finally, “Tis the Season” so we hope to see all LA MO members at the Member Holiday Celebration next week – Thursday, December 12. Information and registration here. Help us wind down 2024, welcome 2025, and Celebrate with Fellowship! Happy Holidays!
Yours in Service,