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Advocacy for Consumers
Effective advocacy is a mix of:
- Identifying the right audience (the policymaker).
- Having a persuasive message (clearly stating what you want to achieve and how it relates to the policy).
- Including an individual or local perspective (telling a story).
Stand up, show up, and don’t leave
1 Stand up
You have to stand up, leave your desk, leave your organization, and actually go to the policymakers and legislators. You can’t advocate effectively from behind your desk except for writing letters or emails.
2 Show up
Go to your city council, county commission, state capitol, and Washington, DC. Make an appointment, and arrive on time. Hand the person your business card, have something to leave for them, be brief, stay on script, never whine, and make your goal to get a commitment.
3 Don’t leave
Do leave the office, but don’t leave the consciousness of the person or agency. Make a lasting, positive impression and follow up your visit with a thank you letter (not email). Offer to provide data and feedback as lawmakers debate senior issues. Soon, you’ll be a familiar face, and they’ll be calling you for information.
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Need an Advocate?
Phone: 800-309-3282
Many nursing home residents are too frail to speak up for themselves. The Missouri Ombudsman Program helps nursing home residents resolve complaints or problems that they encounter. You can make life better for nursing home residents by becoming an ombudsman volunteer
Phone: 573 – 619 -6185
Make sure you are listening, learning and lending your advice to the people who craft legislation that can affect you. Need more information about issues. Simply call the Area Agency on Aging nearest you. Missouri’s 10 Area Agencies on Aging provide a wide range of services, including meals, transportation and adult day care, to help older people remain independent and in their own homes as long as possible.
This helpline provides a website and toll-free numbers for seniors to access information and assistance on legal issues.
Legal Services of Southern MO – 1-800-444-4863
Legal Services of Eastern MO – 1-800-444-0514
Legal Aid of Western MO – 1-800-892-2943
Mid Missouri Legal Services – 1-800-568-4931
Silver Haired Legislature
It’s composed of citizens, age 60 or older, which volunteer their time to advocate on behalf of Missouri’s older adults.
Missouri Attorney General's Consumer Protection Hotline
Phone: 1- 800-392-8222
Senior Citizens Handbook –
Laws and Programs Affecting
Senior Citizens in Missouri
Laws and Programs Affecting
Senior Citizens in Missouri
Phone: 1-888-262-5644
The mission of MCQC is to improve the quality of care and quality of life of residents in long-term care facilities and recipients of in-home care.
Phone: 800-392-8667
To protect the rights of individuals with disabilities by providing advocacy and legal services.
(DHSS-DSDS) Phone: 573-526-3626
Senior Programs 573-526-4542?
Home & Community Services 573-522-8537
Special Investigations Unit 573-522-9215
Abuse Hotline Phone: 800-392-0210
Stop Elder Abuse
Home & Community Services 573-522-8537
Special Investigations Unit 573-522-9215
Abuse Hotline Phone: 800-392-0210
Stop Elder Abuse

Phone: 573-751-6937
CLAIM is the Missouri State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Trained counselors provide free, unbiased advocacy, education and assistance to people with Medicare and those who help them to make informed decisions about Medicare and related health insurance needs. CLAIM is a service of Primaris, made possible through a contract with the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.