Our Mission:
To create a future where quality of life is optimized.
LeadingAge Missouri’s work is dedicated to assisting its members to be the leaders in Missouri in the delivery of innovative, quality long-term health care, housing, and services for older adults. LeadingAge Missouri assists its members in providing quality services for the elderly by:

What we do:
- Advocating for public policies that: Safeguarding the industry from laws and regulations that impede a long-term care provider’s ability to provide quality care in an efficient and cost-effective manner
- Provide for appropriate reimbursement levels for care and services
- Promote the development of a seamless continuum of care
- Allow consumers to receive care in the most cost-effective, appropriate, and least-restrictive setting
- Providing information, programs and services so members can proactively implement systems and processes to achieve regulatory compliance
- Promoting innovative and creative care delivery models
- Increasing the public’s awareness of the unique value offered by mission driven providers
- Enabling members to maximize their limited financial resources and direct them toward quality resident care
- Preparing members to proactively meet the challenges they face from a changing demographic marketplace and increasing regulatory climate

Our national partner
LeadingAge, is an association of 6,000 not-for-profit organizations dedicated to expanding the world of possibilities for aging. Together, we advance policies, promote practices and conduct research that support, enables and empowers people to live fully as they can.